Sunday 17 July 2011

Someone, somewhere hates me

Do you ever wonder to yourself if you did something really, really awful in a previous life? In this life I would like to think I've been alright. I mean, on a Biblical basis, I'd without a doubt be going straight to the firey depths of Lucifer's lair, but I've been nice to people. Generally. Sure, I've had my moments of unspeakable selfishness and frankly batshit mental episodes, but I don't think I've ever done anything really bad to anyone.

Fate and I are having a tricky relationship at the moment. What's totally ace about life is that things change. All the time. And it's amazing to reminisce over the past and think of all the little tiny actions and people that collided and created the present. But sometimes, Fate decides to tease you. Gives you a little glimpse of something that makes your tummy do a backflip and dizzies you with possibility. Then it cruelly snatches it back again. The thrill of anticipation morphs into the dull ache of disappointment. Like a Blur gig followed by a shitty little set from Bruno Mars or something.

So I kind of believe in some nice Universal system* where, if you're not a total fucking prick and generally treat people with a bit of respect and humanity, that things work out for you in the end. But judging by Fate's current dangle-and-snatch routine, my previous life wrongs must've been fairly bad. Maybe I interfered with animals, or was a James Blunt fan or something. (In which case, to be honest, I probably deserve everything I get.)

So essentially, I've been fluffed by Fate. 

What a cunt. 

*I'm not some kind of hippy though.

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