Thursday 9 June 2011

Shit to do before I'm 30

I'm 29 today. I know, I know, I look about nineteen still. You're too kind. And a liar.  Anyway, it got me thinking about the fact I've only got one year left until the big three-oh. 365 days. And all the shit I've still not done. So I thought I'd write a little to-do list of thing I really ought to get off my arse and do before then. This is not some gap-year-Jack-Johnson-braids-in-my-hair-yah? wishlist, nor does it involve sky-diving/trekking up Macchu Pichu. I'm not that rich, or adventurous. Lower your expectations.

1. Be able to run a couple of miles
Without puking up a lung/having a coronary.  That would be nice.

2. Do something creative
A course of some sort. Writing. Life-drawing. (I'm not a pervert. I just like life drawing.) Jewellery-making. Yeah, jewellery! Then I can make accessories based on religious iconography with the Saved-By-The-Bell-twist like the Shoreditch dickhead I aspire to be.

3. Stop dating fuckwits/ falling for totally, ridiculously inappropriate people.
Speaks for itself really. The problem is that I only seem to attract/ be attracted to these sorts.  Need to figure this out. It might involve some gin.

4. Perfect the art of baking macaroons
I can add to my wife-skills list with this beauty. It's an important accomplishment. You'll all benefit as I test batches on you. What do you mean, these are shit? YOU MAKE MACAROONS THEN.

5. Visit some London things I've not yet
British Library. Natural History Museum. Night-time museum tours. Last Tuesday Society. Somerset House outdoor cinema. Basically, be a London tourist instead of sticking around the same areas. However, I'll be sure not to get in your way on the Tube/pavements, I won't wear a matching rucksack as my fellow tourists, and I won't clog up your bus shouting "That's AWESOME!" as I take photos of a Hackney tramp.

6. Watch some classic films/read some classic books
If you're my friend, you'll know I'm notoriously rubbish at actually sitting and watching films. I do love them, I just have the attention span of a special-needs magpie. So this year, I'm actually going to compile a list of films I ought to have seen. I've never seen The Goonies though, and I know loads of you think this is a childhood classic, but I once tried to watch it as an adult and thought it was gash. There, I've said it.

7. Learn to drive
I don't need to in London. But, it would be so nice to embark upon ill-advised spontaneous road-trips with my friends. Even if they end in near-crashes and full-blown arguments over directions. It'd just be nice to have the ability. Should I wish to. Actually, I've just given this slightly more thought and it's probably best I'm never allowed in control of a ton-plus of metal and engine. I managed to break the Badge-It! machine at work. (Aimed at 7-11 year olds.)

8. Get a Macbook/SLR
I have no right to live in the east end without owning either of these things, yeah?

9. Do more blogs
Write more shit on the internet for my friends to read. I find it vaguely amusing even if no-one else does.*

*I know you don't.

10. Ask that person out
Actually, see point 3.

There. I'm sure I'll be reviewing this post in 365 days time, crying gin-soaked tears as I've accomplished none of it due to being too busy feeding my 79 stray cats that I've adopted. Ah well, good intentions and all that.

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