No'rn Ir'on and I decided that after the cocktail and wine excess of Bank Holiday Sunday, today we ought to go and power walk around Victoria Park. I was nervous about the squirrels but we braved it, those and the stabby gangs.
Hackneyites and their dogs filled the park, meaning that we got inevitably overexcited at the canine frolicking.
"Awww look at that one!"
"Ah, he's got a cool face, I'd call him Duncan."
We spied a couple with a few young Italian Greyhounds,
"OH look at those! Oh no wait. Oh no, they're REALLY going for it." Not really what you want to see on a civilised Monday afternoon.
No'rn Ir'on: "No wait, I want to see how they separate them, like."
I dragged her away from the doggy show and we marched around the lake. Of course, there were kids everywhere. Not No'rn Ir'on's favourite things. A family consisted of three squawky young girls whining and bickering.
"I'm not even sorry that I want to punch them."
We decided to venture into the part of the park that we've never been in before. The signposts promised exotic adventures - a model boating lake, the mystically-titled One O Clock Club and the deer park. DEER. In east London.
No'rn Ir'on remarks, "Is that because it's really expensive?" and sniggers to herself.
We actually do catch a glimpse of two sleeping deer and it makes my day.
As we meander around the model boating lake, laughing at dogs splashing around in the water, No'rn Ir'on picks her way along the edge. I resist the urge to shove her into the water, very tempting. I inform her of this and she poses, sticking her bum out. I realise that we look mental and we're in very close proximity to the children's play area so should probably move along.
Naturally, we encounter the scary east London squirrels, and find one holding court under a tree with a gaggle of pigeons. I think that it's going to launch itself at a pigeon and eat it. No'rn Ir'on is more concerned with that fact that they might get a little amorous like the greyhounds earlier.
"They're going to MATE and then it will get out of hand and before you know it, the park will be overrun with SQUIDGEONS."
As we wander off giggling, I spy a man who I've seen several times this weekend. Tall, east London skinny, massive quiff and some particularly striking and brave sartorial choices. I mention that he's quite beautiful to No'rn Ir'on.
"No way, he's so totally gay."
"Not necessarily! Even straight guys in Hackney dress like that."
"You only fancy guys that look gay."
"Maybe I do. Hence why so unsuccessful in these matters."
"I know that if I am about to congratulate a man on his TUNIC, he's probably a queen."
One to mull over there, I think.
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