Tuesday, 11 August 2009

To Blog or Not to Blog....

Hello World....

Well here I am, sat on the sofa, with some trashy tv on, Heat magazine, flat to myself, glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a Marlboro Lite; and pondering whether writing a blog is even a good idea or not.

I have recently become addicted to Twitter - took me a while to get my head around, but I've grown to love the 140 character messages to the world. It was suggested by one of my Twitter followers (why haven't you deleted me yet!? I Tweet the most inane things imagineable - who cares what coffee I am drinking in the morning, or what I think about music), after a brief Twitter chat about the latest musical earworm pervading my mind.

I thought about this long and hard... Twitter posts, I can just about justify to myself; the internet equivalent of a throwaway comment. Blogging however, is a different matter altogether. To continue this analogy, it's the net equivalent of a speech. But you assume people are going to be proactive and come and read the thing. Self indulgent? Self important? Possibly. A medium for me to vent (I say vent, I probably mean rant about stuff that annoys me - which is everything), could well be.

My next step was to consider what to blog about. I don't read many blogs, I've been intriduced to a few lately - some better than others. Some serious, considered, pretentious even. Some lighthearted fluff, a stream of consciousness on the mundane and the ordinary.

So where does mine fit in?

It was suggested I use my blog to talk about music, the music I get obsessed with and bore all my actual physical friends with. The music I hijack the flat's stereo with and 'educate' my housemate with (her words, not mine)

Possibly my other passions: art, photography, TEAAAAAA, horses, people, film, food, cooking, wine... but will it just come off as being presumptious and vain?

So before I know it, a blog seems to be coming together. The idea of blogging is almost Romanticised now: any girl familiar with Sex & The City will admit to fantasising about sitting in a skimpy yet casual outfit, tapping away with a furrowed brow on the latest Macbook, smoking a cigarette and writing witty erudite questions to Womankind, a la Carrie Bradshaw. (Yes, yes, I know she was composing a column, not a blog as such, but you get my drift.) That - it's certainly not me.

Sat in my compact but cool little East End flat, recovering after a monster day at work - I'm more likely to be found in a crappy working mens' boozer than an achingly trendy NYC bar full of models and overpriced cocktails.

Much proacrastination later, I'm still discussing blogging with myself and not actually writing about anything.

So will it be a cutting edge musical recommendation blog? A witty repartee on the life of a single twenty-something honourary Londoner? A public diary entry on my life, loves, passions? Or something deeply dull masquerading as public interest?

Will it be removed from my corporate self? The one that considers their responses, the one that censors the swearwords? The one that toes the line and isn't too outspoken about anything? Who knows.

Or perhaps more.. well, 'me'. The Me who swears like a trooper, who can keep up with the boys on a night out, the one who reads trashy mags but also John Berger aesthetic essays, the one who loves spending a fortune on make up but also loves nothing more than being in my scruffs and wellies down the stables with horses?

I'm yet to decide.

Perhaps this is enough public procrastination for now. Perhaps I'll write about whatever has moved me, intrigued me, annoyed me or made me laugh until I thought I might be sick.

If you're not asleep by now, or chucking stuff at your laptop in frustration at my indecision, thanks for reading - and I promise next time, I'll try to write something actually coherent and interesting.

Stay Classy, World

And make me a brew.

PS. If you don't yet have the Bombay Bicycle Club album in your life - you NEED it.

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